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Day of Plowing Ahead as Western Virginia Digs Out From Heavy Snow

The majority of secondary roads and neighborhood streets are in severe condition with deep snow. (photo: Sunny Wasiela)

Equipment operators and contractors with the Virginia Department of Transportation continued to plow and treat interstate and primary roads overnight. Last night, additional snow fell in many areas covering roads again.

Crews are still plowing and treating roads in 12-hour shifts around the clock. Plowing is expected to begin today on neighborhood streets and low-volume secondary roads (those numbered 600 and above) throughout the region.

Today’s warmer temperatures should help with snow removal operations, but overnight refreezing remains a concern for the nights ahead.

As of 4:30 a.m., motorists can expect the following road conditions for the 12-county Salem District:

Interstates 77, 81 and 581 range from minor to moderate with some sections icy or covered with frozen slush.

The primary roads (those numbered 1-599) range from minor to moderate. Slicks spots remain or portions of these roadways are covered slush and frozen snow. These roads in the New River Valley are still snow covered in many areas.

Low volume secondary roads and neighborhood streets remain in severe condition. This means they are covered in deep snow and most have not been plowed yet.

Travelers are reminded that they can get real-time information on road conditions and traffic incidents on Virginia roads by using VDOT’s 511 free mobile app or the website and phone system.

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