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RVARC Issues Statement on COVID-19 Assistance

At this time, the Regional Commission understands that many of our local government partners and their business communities are working hard to address the threat of COVID-19, including retaining continuity of operations with constituents and customers. For many of you, we understand this means that you may be considering telework programs for some or all of your employees, perhaps for the first time ever.

To that end, we want to let you know that the Commission’s RIDE Solutions program, as the region’s Commuter Assistance Program, can help you and your business community set up telework programs quickly and tap into free resources to get employees online and productive. As always, RIDE Solutions’ support is absolutely free of charge to both employers and employees – as a program of the Commission funded in part by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation, their mission is to assist employers in addressing mobility challenges – including the challenges of moving people during a pandemic.

Here are a few things RIDE Solutions has provided so far:

A website with an ongoing list of free resources and news items to help employers get started quickly:
Virginia’s Telework!VA program also offers a plethora of resources and e-learning modules to help businesses tackle telework:
Best Workplaces for Commuters has created a helpful .pdf with guidelines for employers:
RIDE Solutions has created a 7 minute video on implementing telework in a crisis:

RIDE Solutions can provide one-on-one assistance, in person or by phone/teleconference, to you and other organizations seeking to start a telework program. If you need assistance, please contact the RIDE Solutions Program Director, Jeremy Holmes, at [email protected] or 540-342-9393.

As always, please reach out if there is anything the Regional Commission can do to help.

— Wayne Strickland, Executive Director

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