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RAYSAC Releases National DEA Rx Take Back Day Results

The Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (RAYSAC), the Western Virginia Water Authority, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and local law enforcement agencies partnered once again to collect expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs for safe destruction on Saturday, October 24, 2020.

This year over 2,100 pounds of medications were collected from fifteen sites in the Roanoke Valley and over 4,300 pounds were collected from sites across our state division.

This initiative addresses vital public safety and public health issues. Medications that are stored in home cabinets are highly susceptible for diversion, misuse and abuse. Safe disposal of medications is key for protecting our youth and our waterways. The National DEA Rx Take Back Events are a great way to safely dispose of any unwanted or expired medications. Medications can also be taken to a permanent drop box location any day. Listed below are the permanent drop boxes in the Roanoke Valley.

  • Botetourt County: DownHome Pharmacy; 671 Teresa Ln
  • Carilion Clinic: 2011 Crystal Spring Ave; 3737 W. Main St; 3 Riverside Circle;
  • Roanoke Memorial Hospital
  • CVS Towers: 2001 Colonial Ave
  • New Castle: Market Street Pharmacy
  • Roanoke County Sheriff’s Office: 401 E. Main St; Salem
  • Vinton Police Department: 311 S. Pollard St; Vinton
  • Walgreen’s Drug Store: 4841 Williamson Rd NW; Roanoke
  • *COMING SOON* Cundiff Drug Store; Vinton

This year’s success would not have been possible without the support of the following RAYSAC partners and participants; Drug Enforcement Administration, the Western Virginia Water Authority, Botetourt Prevention Coalition, the Salem Prevention Planning Team, the Prevention Council of Roanoke County, and the community.

As always, “Keep them safe. Clean them out. Take them back.”

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