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Clean Valley Council and Apple Ridge To Host “Get Outside!” Event for Children

The Clean Valley Council will be hosting a Get Outside program for children ages 8-16 on May 15th at Apple Ridge Farm in Copper Hill, Virginia.

The Clean Valley Council is partnering with Apple Ridge Farm in this first-of-its-kind event. Both organizations promote teaching environmental education to children of all ages and consider this a great opportunity.

The free program is geared toward outdoor adventure and will be held rain or shine. Executive Director, Courtney Carter Plaster said, “Our children need more time outside and this is the perfect opportunity since the intense virtual learning began. With more time in front of computers, everyone can benefit from more time outdoors.”

Events will include outdoor exploration such as nature hikes and children will be able to climb a rock wall to an observation deck. The program begins at 9 am and runs until 12:30 pm. Parents will need to transport their children to and from Apple Ridge Farm.

Snacks are provided (bring your own if there are dietary restrictions). Families are asked to bring a reusable water bottle and shoes that can get dirty. This fun FREE event is open to the public and registration is required. Donations are welcome. Registration is due by May 13 and limited to 20 participants. Call or email Clean Valley Council for more information. Clean Valley Council

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