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STUART REVERCOMB: Think For Yourself

Here are some Covid statistics based on age:

For those age 50 and under there have been less than 25,000 deaths nationwide as a result of Covid -19. And even the CDC admits that those numbers are “likely inflated” as Covid is listed as the cause of death even if you have been suffering everything from heart disease to lung cancer when you die.

But even if you use the “likely inflated” number, that’s .007 % of the population.

If you’re over 50 that number jumps to .160 % of the population. Meaning you’re 23 times MORE likely but nevertheless still extraordinarily UNLIKELY to die from the virus.

So, if you’re under 50 you stand a better chance of winning the Virginia Lottery than you do dying of Covid and if you’re over 50 it wouldn’t be a bad idea to scratch a few cards yourself.

But who’s counting?

Apparently, no one.

A survey released today from the United Way of Roanoke indicates that 76% of respondents expressed an “overwhelming fear” of catching COVID-19, followed by 49% who had a “concern with mental health issues.”

I wonder what the above stats would be if our common information sources (news media and social media) were giving specific / relevant and accurate data in lieu of blaring sensationalistic headlines meant to keep their “patrons” on the edge of their seats and coming back day after day for more of the same fear inducing pablum.

Welcome to “information mis-management” in the year 2021.

My advice?

Get the real data and think for yourself.

Stuart Revercomb

– Stuart Revercomb

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