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Roanoke City Proposes 2023 Budget

In a Press Release on April 18, City Manager Bob Cowell presented the Roanoke City Council with a  proposed Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) General Fund Operating Budget of $324,789,000,  representing an increase of 5.6% over the current year approved budget. The City  Manager also presented the City’s 5-Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for  FY23-FY27. The $163 million CIP includes funding for school buildings, bridges, parks  and recreation, street paving, fire stations, library facilities, stormwater facilities,  courthouse renovations, and technology upgrades. 

“This proposed budget continues to advance on the Council’s Strategic Priorities,  support the community’s ongoing recovery from COVID-19 and invest in our workforce  at historic levels”, said City Manager Cowell. “This proposal continues actions that  represent sound financial management, strategic investments, and enhanced funding  of essential services that better the health, safety, and quality of life for the residents  of Roanoke – and it does so without increasing tax rates”. 

Highlights of the balanced budget include: 

  • Highest level of local funding for education in City’s history – $94.5 million – $6.7 million more than FY22 
  • Highest level of funding for community safety in City’s history – $75.7 million Highest compensation Increases for public safety in decades – $3.7 million increase over FY22 for Sheriff, Fire-EMS, and Police, including full  

implementation of Step Pay Plan for Police 

  • More than $64 million in capital investments – schools, parks, street paving,  bridges, stormwater management 
  • Continued regional partnerships – $10.7 million – economic development,  mental health, transportation, tourism, arts, and culture 
  • Greater transparency in capital investments 
  • Continued advancement in addressing equity and disparities in the community Roanoke’s resilient economy has enabled tax revenues capable of supporting these  enhancements and investments while also allowing the highest Fund Balance – more  than $50 million, in the City’s history to protect against unforeseen catastrophic  negative economic impacts. 

“Roanoke’s local economy has proven remarkably resilient throughout the pandemic,  providing the funds necessary to deliver essential services and invest in our people,  facilities, and future at unprecedented levels. However, many needs remain unmet and  current successes remain tenuous”, said City Manager Cowell. “We must remain fixed  on our mission and strategic in our actions if we are to continue to support the  residents and businesses in our community and ensure the Star City remains strong”. 

Visit BUDGET-DOCUMENT?bidId= to read the City Manager’s full budget message and the  proposed budget which was presented to the City Council at their meeting on the  afternoon of April 18. 

A public hearing  on the proposed budget is scheduled for 7:00 pm on April 26. Adoption of the FY23  budget will occur on the evening of May 9. 

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