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Virginia Museum of History & Culture Offers Professional Development Programming for Educators

As part of its summer programming, the Virginia Museum of History & Culture (VMHC) will offer a series of professional development workshops for teachers both in person and virtually.

Primarily Virginia is an online course designed for K-12 teachers to explore Virginia’s past through objects and primary sources. All course work is completed online and there is no required in person meetings. By participating in the online course, educators can earn up to 45 recertification points, and thanks to the generosity of the WestRock Foundation, the online course is free of charge to Virginia teachers. The course is offered three times a year and will begin on June 27th, 2022. Registration must be completed by June 25th.

The Weinstein Properties Story of Virginia Teachers Institute invites educators to participate in a weeklong program that examines Virginia’s history, government, and geography through exhibition tours, guest speakers, primary source analysis, and self-guided tours of the museum.

The program is offered twice each summer to both private and public school teachers of any grade level, with the first session beginning July 11th- July 15th . This session will cover general Virginia history, and registration information can be found here. The second session runs from July 25th-July 29th and will focus on the museum’s largest new exhibition, Our Commonwealth. Registration information for this session can be found here.

Each of the Weinstein Properties Summer Teachers Institutes are held at the Virginia Museum of History & culture and include a day-long field trip to the Robert Russa Moton Museum in Farmville, Virginia. The cost for each session is $50 which will be refunded upon completion of the class. Materials and lunch will also be provided free of charge and educators who participate will be eligible for recertification points.

The Virginia Museum of History & Culture is proud to serve as an aid and resource to educators in Virginia by offering updated content, structured training, and an open forum to share ideas. In addition to the Teachers Institute, the Virginia Museum of History & Culture will also be partnering with other cultural institutes to offer programming this summer for educators. A workshop entitled Power of the People: Engaging with American Democracy is being held at the museum on June 28th in partnership with the Library of Virginia. Registration information for this workshop can be found here. Educators are also encouraged to register for the August 10th & 11th workshop in partnership with five Richmond area museums, entitled Monumental Moments: Public Art and Public Memory.

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