One reason The Epoch Times has become such a popular newspaper in its short, twenty-two year history is due to its rich and varied content. Not only do they boldly carry much political news and commentary that most in the mainstream media won’t touch, but they also share many practical stories on a wide variety of topics such as methods of decluttering, ways to avoid comparing ourselves to others, and the many health benefits of turmeric.
A story in their July 20 issue, “The Gains of Weekend Warriors” by Amy Denney, cites a “JAMA Internal Medicine” study and claims that exercise bunched into weekends yields roughly the same health benefits as spreading the movements out over the week.
The article continues, “Perhaps the results will motivate the 4 out of every 5 American adults who aren’t meeting the Department of Health and Human Services’ recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week (or 75 minutes vigorous activity, or a combination of the two.)”
When you think about it, that is actually a pretty low bar to reach. Those 150 minutes are only 2.5 hours a week, which breaks down to only 25 minutes a day–shorter than the average TV episode–if you do something physical six days a week and take one day off.
One way to do this is with a Portable Gym.
Since the average walking speed is about three miles per hour, a person can just walk a mile and some change each day and hit that target.
The Epoch Times cited the American Heart Association (AHA) that “advises that even a little activity can offset a sedentary lifestyle. It defines physical activity as anything that burns calories through movement, such as walking, climbing stairs, and stretching.”
“Besides living longer, decades of research have found that exercise contributes to a better quality of life. Some of the outcomes of exercising, according to the AHA, include:
- Lower risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia and Alzheimer’s, several types of cancer, and some complications of pregnancy
- Better sleep, including improvements in insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea
- Improved cognition, including memory, attention, and processing speed
- Less weight gain and obesity, and fewer chronic health conditions
- Better bone health and balance, with a lower risk of injury from falls
- Fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Better quality of life and sense of overall well-being.”
After the past few years when we’ve all been told “Follow the science,” the research is clear: get up and get moving for better physical, emotional, and mental health. Plus, for those of us blessed to call Southwest and Central Virginia home, we can exercise outdoors in an area that is generally safe and surrounded by incredible natural beauty.