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Emerald Ash Borer Cost Share Now Available in Virginia

Applications are now open for the Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) Emerald Ash Borer Cost-Share Program, which offers cost reimbursement for treating ash trees to protect from the invasive emerald ash borer. Landowners and organizations (including municipalities, not-for-profits, educational institutions and homeowner associations) can apply until June 16.

The cost share reimburses up to 50% of the costs for emamectin benzoate insecticide trunk injections by a certified applicator, up to $1,250 per landowner or $5,000 per organization.

To be eligible, treatments must be for green, white, black, blue, pumpkin, or Carolina ash trees at least 12 inches in diameter at chest height. A DOF forester must assess trees prior to treatment to be considered for cost share funds.

The emerald ash borer is the most destructive forest insect ever to invade the U.S., having killed hundreds of millions of ash trees. This cost-share program aims to safeguard the future of Virginia’s ash resource by making treatments more affordable and getting more trees treated. When applied correctly, emamectin benzoate treatments are effective at protecting ash trees from emerald ash borer for up to three years and can save landowners the cost of removing dead ash trees.

“If you have an ash tree you love, now is the time to treat it,” said DOF Forest Health Technician Amanda Conrad. “Waiting until you see a problem could mean it’s already too late.”

To get started protecting your ash trees, contact your DOF forester, or learn more about this cost-share program by visiting DOF’s website.

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