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What Can You Do With Java? 8 Things You Can Create

Java is still among the most widely used and popular programming languages in the world, despite a number of alternatives appearing throughout time. It was created in 1995 and not only has time on its side, but it also has a lot of important features that contribute to its success. This extreme versatility enables Java development services to create a variety of different projects. Here are just a few of the numerous applications to be aware of.

What Is Java Used for?

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used in a number of cases. It has been a pillar of the digital world for decades, be it web development. gaming niche, security, or big data. Its impact on software engineering is genuinely massive — from enabling cutting-edge developments in Big Data and Machine Learning to driving the user experience on billions of Android devices. But what makes Java so common, and what precisely can Java developers for hire do for you? Let’s dig deeper to know all the truth.

#1 — Web Development

When we think of the primary use cases of Java, development of web applications and dynamic websites is the first thing that comes to our mind. And it’s all about Java web frameworks like Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF) that provide the tools and libraries needed to create scalable and secure solutions to companies of all sizes.

#2 — Mobile App Development

Every second Android app is built on Java. And it doesn’t matter whether it refers to the development of games or mobile productivity tools. A good example is Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android, that uses Java as its primary programming language.

#3 — Enterprise Software

Many enterprise-level applications and systems are built on Java. And that’s all because of platform independence. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) are used for building large-scale, mission-critical applications in industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

#4 — Desktop Applications

JavaFX and Swing technologies allow engineers to create cross-platform desktop applications based on Java. These solutions run on multiple operating systems without modification, making Java a valuable choice for software with a broad user base.

#5 — Big Data and Analytics

Big data applications are built on Java because of its speed, scalability, and large libraries. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, two popular big data frameworks, utilize Java for various components and functionalities.

#6 — Embedded Systems

Java’s portability and dependability make it ideal for developing embedded devices. When combined with technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Java may be used to remotely power devices, link appliances and other items, and much more.

#7 — Scientific and Research Applications

Scientific computing and research involve Java. Scientists and researchers appreciate its numerical computing libraries and cross-platform capabilities for data analysis and simulation tasks.

#8 — Gaming

While it may not be as prevalent as other languages like C++ or C#, Java is still a viable option for developing cross-platform and web-based games. It is utilized in game development through frameworks like LibGDX.

#9 — Cloud-Based Applications

Every second cloud-based and microservices system is built on Java. Platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer Java support for deploying applications in the cloud.

#10 — Security

Java is known for its robust security features. It’s utilized in the development of secure applications including secure network communication, cryptography, and access control systems.

Make the Right Choice!

You can use Java in wide range of solutions.  It can be web and mobile development, enterprise-level systems and something in-between. Its “Write Once, Run Anywhere” capability remains a key advantage, allowing developers to create software that can run on diverse computing environments. Extensive set of libraries and frameworks help developers optimize their release capacity and deliver outstanding solutions to the market.


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