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(…) Returning and resting is what will save you; calmness and confidence will make you strong (….)  –Isaiah 30:15 (CJB)

The phrase “24/7” is common and sums up our culture’s non-stop nature. However, “24/7” is a pretty new addition to the English language. It didn’t appeared in print until the 1980s, indicating life hasn’t always been so on the go. When you think about daily life today, how often do the words “resting” and “calmness” come to mind?

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, noted for developing the ideas of extroversion, introversion, and the basis for what became the Myers-Briggs Personality Types, made this observation. “Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.”

Summarizing the hurried pace of modern life, Virginia Brasier wrote this ditty entitled “The Rat Race.”

This is the age

Of the half-read page

And the quick hash

And the mad dash

The bright night

With the nerves tight

The plane hop

With the brief stop

The lamp tan

In a short span

The big shot

In a good spot

And the brain strain

And the heart pain

And the catnaps

Till the spring snaps

And the fun’s done.

This poem first appeared in The New Yorker …in 1957. If life was that fast back then, how about now?

The full text of Isaiah 30:15 states: “Therefore, the Lord God, the holy one of Israel, says: In return and rest you will be saved; quietness and trust will be your strength— but you refused.” (CEB)

What a tragedy. God offers us rest, quietness, trust and calmness. But the people to whom the Prophet Isaiah was speaking would have none of it. Like any gift, it has to be received to be enjoyed.

If B.U.S.Y. stands for “Being Under Satan’s Yoke,” how about trying Jesus’ yoke? Christ tells His followers: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matt. 11:29 NIV).”




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