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“Credible Threat” Closes Roanoke City Public Schools Feb. 23, 2024

A Message from Dr. Verletta White

The Roanoke Police Department investigated a credible threat, and we have been notified that they have arrested and charged an adult in connection with making the threats. Please visit Facebook to read the police department’s full statement. We appreciate their diligence in investigating all threats and for keeping us informed throughout their investigation. We will continue to work with them as they investigate additional “copycat” threats.

Always know that the safety and security of our students and staff is my top priority and, certainly, that of our school division. I want to thank everyone who spoke up and reported these threats to the police and our 24/7 tipline, SpeakUp for Safety. This allowed the police to quickly investigate and find the person responsible.

In times of crisis, we know you want answers and so do we, and I want to thank you for your patience, as the police investigated this matter.  It is important to note that there are times when we are limited in what we can share so we do not compromise the police department’s investigation. For instance, when we had numerous threats reported throughout the night and as police learned more, we had to pivot and make the decision to close schools this morning.

To that end, several threats have come in since the arrest and we need additional time to work with police to determine the credibility of these threats. Therefore, schools will be closed again tomorrow, Friday, February 23rd. 12-month staff should report on time.

I am asking all parents to talk with your children about the consequences of making threats, which may include their arrest.  Tomorrow, we will do our due diligence in working with the police on this matter so we can be fully ready to welcome everyone to school on Monday in a safe and welcoming learning environment.  Thank you for all you do, and for partnering with us to keep our schools safe. We Are One. Have a good evening.

Dr. Verletta White

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