The misperception among some Americans, and indeed, the younger generation regarding nationalism can cause a delusion, and hence, become chaos. In fact, from national born to naturalized citizens, I believe that we are all Americans.
Believing in America is a pathway for having a sense of patriotism for the nation of America, which I perceive as being nationalism. But the questions are: Should we identify ourselves as Americans every time or there are occasions that we should disband ourselves from American identity? Are there a legitimate reasons to carry flags other than American in the public offices or during protests?
This is a new culture in America, which is being unpatriotic as it appears among the protesters carrying Palestinian flags and expressing their anger toward both America and counter protesters who are carrying the American flag.
Liberal education and leftist rhetoric has brought an unpatriotic cloud to the American sky. Also, misinterpretation of nationalism establishes a wrong view of this term among many Americans. The attempt to connect racism with nationalism has created a delusional belief among Americans and resulted in misunderstanding of being faithful to the nation. It is ironic that the Pro-Palestinian protesters who are carrying Palestinian flags are in fact protesting for the cause of Palestinian nationalism!
It is important to remember that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution allows for those who are expressing their outrage toward the government’s policies and sympathizing with Palestine. The United States Constitution is Americas national manifesto which is a vital document because of American nationalism. It is the matter of believing in American identity and the national symbols. This belief is not based on the persons’ ethnic background or race. Even the birth place doesn’t determine the person patriotic sense and his/her adherence the national identity.
Often protesters, regardless of the cause, miss the core point and convey the message with the wrong language, meaning violence, destruction of property, burning flags, tearing down statues and further degrading American identity. This can be interpreted as disbanding American identity in general. Again, it is an ironic that the shade of American identity has provided us such freedom and rights to express and protest, but we attempt to bury this identity under our outrages behaviors. Rising a foreign flag and tearing the American flag down!
According to a recent Gallup poll, 50% of people age 55 or older are far more proud to be Americans than those who are younger. The same poll shows that 60% Republicans, 29% Democrats, and 33% Independents are extremely pound to be Americans.
These are astounding statistics that reveal much about our country and where we may or may not be heading after this years presidential election.
However, being proud to be an American and adhering to the national identity on every occasion must be a part of the educational curriculum to teach children and the younger generation about true American values.