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MIKE KEELER: A Genius in 236 Words

OK aspiring writers, this one’s easy. Maybe too easy.Your assignment today is to write a story of only about 1500 words. But there’s a catch: all the words in your...

Cats Do Not Manipulate Us Like The Current White House Administration

Many years ago, I thought the idea of having a cat as a pet, specifically...

FRED FIRST: And the Memories Live On: Super-agers

Their brains age more slowly than normal-agersNot a day passes that I don't remember my...

Randy Huff: Who Knew Personal Choice Could Be So Wrong?

What Butker did was dare to speak truth as he saw it.The news cycle dismays...

DEVOTIONAL: No Room For Antisemitism

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for...

DICK BAYNTON: What’s In A Name?

Shayom Debopadhaya, a graduating senior at Salem High School has won an award of $500 from a local informal group named ‘The Big Lick...

MIKE KEELER: There Never Was an Age of Brass

When the ancients first started digging in the ground, they collected shiny metals like Copper and Gold, and learned that these could be melted...

JOY SYLVESTER-JOHNSON: I’d Like to Put in a Good Word

When my children were small my husband and I tried to teach them the social pleasantries of saying "thank you" as a response to...

DICK BAYNTON: The Increasingly Slippery Slope of Identity Politics

Politics has gained an overwhelming presence throughout the world. Politics can’t be breathed or eaten but it can be bought and sold just like...

DICK BAYNTON: The Race to the Bottom

This is an expression that is often used as a negative description of a contest to see who can be the worst at whatever...

DENNIS GARVIN: Abortion and “Hypocrirony”

I have a neologism, a ‘new word.’  HYPOCRIRONY combines hypocrisy and irony. Here is the basis: The theme song of the feminist movement is...