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DEVOTIONAL: No Room For Antisemitism

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.  John 4:22 (NIV)Contrasting Himself with our adversary satan, Jesus...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: The Hypocritical Toleration Of Antisemitism

The Hitler Youth Among College And University Presidents If the radical leftist students, who have been...

MELINDA MYERS: Ornamental and Edible Gardens and Containers

Boost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants...

RANDY HUFF: What Could Have Been A Casual Complaint and Casual Accusation

We were walking through the terminal, weary from the flight. Without thought, I voiced the...

DEVOTIONAL: Thanks, Mom!

Her children rise up and call her blessed  -- Prov. 31:28a (ESV) We celebrate Mother's Day...

FRED FIRST: Tending The Melodies of A Lifetime

The advent of the COVID weeks, then months, then years wreaked untold hardship and abnormality for humans everywhere. If there is a silver lining...

MIKE KEELER: : The Coming Storm . . .

250 years ago, September, 1777, there was a Category 5 storm headed for the North Atlantic. But it wasn’t meteorological, it was monetary.It had...

SERWAN ZANGANA: Who Is This Stranger?

     We have a stranger in the neighborhood and he’s challenging everyone. He is running and seems to be very keen. “Who is he and...

MELINDA MYERS: Brighten Your Fall Landscape With Mums

Mums are a favorite fall flower that adds weeks of seasonal color to containers, gardens and fall displays. They are also a popular gift...

DEVOTIONAL: Back To School Prayer For Boys

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what...

SERWAN ZANGANA: American Families Receive Body Bags, Politicians Receive Fat Paychecks

While recently browsing through some old pictures from my time serving as a U.S Army interpreter back in 2004 in Iraq, a thought came...