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SERWAN ZANGANA: Early Voting Is Strong in Roanoke City

The early voting is underway in Roanoke City, and voters are not hesitating to cast their votes. In the last few years, early voting has become popular as it is more convenient and assuring for some people to cast their votes lest they be distracted with the daily works on Election Day.

It is, however, an unusual Election year. The Republican Presidential Candidate, former President Donald Trump has already faced two assassination attempts resulting in a gunshot wounding his right ear in the first one. The Democratic Presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris is campaigning to stop Trump and win the election by any means.

The Roanoke City Council and Mayor election is also a hot topic. As the majority of the current Council members adheres to Partisan vote on passing bills without considering the voters’ opinion and concern, some Roanoke Citizens are stepping forward and running for the Council to stop this unfair practice. In fact, Roanoke City Council and the Mayor’s office has been solely occupied by by Democrats for many years. This single Party control has been very detrimental to Roanoke. Instead of benefiting the people, it has benefited Council members and the Party’s name.

As the Candidates’ yard signs filled the Voters’ Registration Office’s parking lot, the voters on Wednesday continued their visit to the Office to exercise their rights and vote. Roanoke City resident Stephen Creasy was coming out of the Registration office after he casted his vote. Mr. Creasy told the Roanoke Star that he wanted to vote early because he is scheduled to work on Election Day. “ To ensure that my vote is cast before I get busy with my work and don’t have time to vote on Election Day.” Mr. Creasy said.

Apparently, some voters are very particular and sensitive to disclose the candidate(s) whom they vote for, but Mr. Creasy was very confident in his vote. He said that he voted for the Republican ticket because, “ The conservative align with my principle and values.” He said.

Furthermore, some Roanoke City candidates were not afraid to come out on the cloudy day to speak and distribute flyers and give ballot samples to voters. The candidate for Roanoke City Council on the Republican ticket, Nick Hagen was cordially greeting people and willingly answering questions about the issues concerning people. The question to Mr. Hagen was: What makes you different from the current members of the City Council?

“ I am transparent.” Hagen said. Hagen believes that Roanoke City Council members are lacking transparency with the citizens of Roanoke and he expressed his concern that current council members are not listening to people. He also said the members of the City Council don’t allow people to speak freely. “There are only 2-3 minutes for people to speak.” Mr. Hagen said.

It is noteworthy that Mr. Hagen opposes the Roanoke City zoning which was approved by the City Council members in March. They voted in its favor again earlier this month. The amendment allows building multi-family housing units in areas that are zoned for single-family homes.

Jim Garrett, who is also running on the Republican tickets, was also distributing his flyers to the voters and explaining the importance of voting for him. Mr. Garrett is observing the problems from a broader perspective, “ I look at the big issues.” Mr. Garrett said. He pointed at the City’s zoning amendment and the negativity of it. He believes that the consequences of the zoning amendment will create an over-building in Roanoke City. He, along with many others, believes this amendment has become a major problem for Roanoke.

Mr. Garrett mentioned that people find Roanoke County more attractive than the City, and therefore, “We have got to come up with a way to attract people in the City.” He said. The high real estate tax is clearly everyone’s concern except the current Roanoke City Council members. Mr. Garrett pointed out this problem. “ I don’t mind paying taxes but the real estate tax in Roanoke City is unfair.”

The incumbent Councilwoman Stephanie Moon, running as an Independent for Roanoke’s Mayor, was among the candidates working the Registration office’s parking lot. She already works closely with the other City Council members and is familiar with their politics. Without hesitation, Mrs. Moon revealed that City Council members always attempt to “block people from getting full information.” She also pointed out that as the only Independent in the City’s Council, she was the minority among the other members. Mrs. Moon believes that being an Independent is the best way for her to serve people.

It is a critical Election year and people should vote and not give up hope.

– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a U.S Army translator before coming to the U.S from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and years later proudly became a U.S citizen. He currently serves as a correction officer in Roanoke.


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