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DEVOTIONAL: A Dad’s Prayer

f two of you on earth agree in asking for anything it will be granted to you by my Heavenly Father.  Matthew 18:19 (Phillips)Brian is a lifelong resident of...

MORGAN GRIFFITH: Abuse of The Chevron Doctrine

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided some notable cases in 2024.Donald J. Trump v. Anderson...

Salem City Council Vote on Hope Tree Property Disappoints Majority of Salem Residents

   Despite the majority of Salem residents’ opposition, on Monday, June 10, the Salem City...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Magic of Merlin

It’s technological genius. It’s revolutionary. Its a game changer. It’s Merlin the bird identification app...

FRED FIRST: Jack Is A Dull Boy, Who’s Hands Have Never Been Busier

My thought life is being boxed and packing-taped in cardboard, the more so as we...

A Perspective on Crossroads

I spend a lot of time at crossroads.  No, not the kind you arrive at in your car – but the kind of crossroads where...

Recipe of the Week from the Happy Chef: Easy Chicken Stock

By Leigh Sackett I never make chicken stock! I always go the easy route and use bouillon cubes when I make chicken soup. Well...

Replacing the Irreplaceable Mom Doesn’t Come Easy

Every family has a member who is the essential cog in the household machine.  My mom was that person when I was growing up....

The Trouble With Normal: “350” and the Future

After a light spring rain and the passing of not-too-distant thunder overnight, we packed up to head home from Mt. Rogers. Not three miles...

Down and Out on the Isle of Skye

We leave our bikes, with the constable’s blessing, leaning up against the weathered brick of the tiny, police station. The town of Broadford...

Our Take: Such an Almost Great Week for Us Old Fogeys

What an absolutely amazing week it was for all of us over the age of 35 . . . Almost.As an ever ripening-on-the-vine...