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RANDY HUFF: On Subtlety, Eternity, and Wasted Time

The great and gifted writer, Malcolm Muggeridge, when asked why he didn't go hear Billy Graham, said: “I need subtlety.” Muggeridge, a life-time English journalist who lived in the...

MELINDA MYERS: Fall Planting Provides Months of Continuous Spring Color

Welcome spring and create continuous color for several months with a collection of spring-flowering bulbs. ...

MIKE KEELER: September 1774 – The Meeting Place

Here are some things you should know about Carpenters’ Hall.It was designed by a Scotsman....

SERWAN ZANGANA: It’s Time to Hand The Business Over to Trump

Six more lives of truly innocent people who were not involved in the Israeli-Hamas conflict...

BOB BROWN: Slavery Then and Now

I join all Caucasians in the United States who lament with shame, guilt, and regret...

Preacher’s Corner: Celebrating All That We Have

Gosh, the time has so rapidly come and gone.  Just five years ago on June 14th my family and I celebrated our 1st Sunday...

Extension Connection: A Simple and Delicious Way to Enjoy Seasonal Foods

Last weekend I purchased “Roasting Vegetables in a Bag” from a farmer’s market.  In the bag were kale leaves, new potatoes, kohlrabi, green...

A Father’s Day Poem For Dad

For all the times you made me hold that darned ladder; For all the times you said, "if you throw that tennis racquet again, we're...

Hey Coach! No One’s Calling Me Back…

Readers: A dad and I have been emailing recently.  He’s extremely involved in his daughter’s recruiting.  I believe he’s at the point where he may...

The Joy of Still Livin’ in Roanoke

Whenever I run into him on the trails of Mill Mountain we chat for a few minutes. I admire his old dog. We let...

Waiting for Fireflies

It’s that time again.  Time for the fireflies to arrive.  Every year I find myself anxiously anticipating the first sighting and last week ---...