Dennis Garvin
DENNIS GARVIN: Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed
I have been seeing the Rev. Henry for some years now. Twice a year the reverend appears, stooped with age, shuffling into my office with the bemused expression of...
DENNIS GARVIN: Dogs, Cats . . . And God
Let's consider dogs and cats. They are the two commonest animal groups that are domesticated...
DENNIS GARVIN: Empress Pelosi Explained
I must confess to some confusion about the behavior of Nancy Pelosi in her role...
DENNIS GARVIN: The Hospital Volunteer
He is an old guy, below average height and above average weight. The parking lot...
DENNIS GARVIN: Abortion and “Hypocrirony”
I have a neologism, a ‘new word.’ HYPOCRIRONY combines hypocrisy and irony. Here is the...
Recycling and Hollywood Have Changed Just a Bit
I was a thirteen year old boy scout in a farming community over fifty years ago. While nowadays, people recycle their own paper to...
Feminism and the Christian wife
I know a little bit about feminism. I was raised by a feminist. My mother went back, at age 45, to get her Master’s...
Lessons From The World’s Greatest Greeter
My first encounter with Willie was around 4 years ago. My granddaughter was living with us quite a bit and my mornings began with...
I Am A Hypocrite
I am a hypocrite. If you are not a space alien and are using opposable thumbs to grip your newspaper or ipad, then you,...
Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed – Dennis Garvin MD
Lucky Garvin's brother Dennis is a Urologist practicing in Salem who also possesses his brother's great gifts for writing, teaching and healing. This column...