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A Perspective on Meaningful Giving

Stephanie Koehler
Stephanie Koehler

I was recently asked if I was a “glass is half empty” or “glass is half full” kind of person.  While I had a well composed answer about being a “realist” who believes that all things are possible – the question has rattled about in my brain ever since.

How do I view the world?  How do those around me view the world?  Do I surround myself with people who see limitless potential or people who see only obstacles?  Do I take ownership for “filling my own cup” or do I look to the world around me and react?

As the holidays approach in the shadow of our current economic state, it is easy to feel “half empty”.  However, as I make my way through the onslaught of holiday advertising messages – there is one consistent message: “It’s the Season of Giving.”

I suppose a “glass is half empty” person would see it as pressure to purchase the latest gadget or toy – but what if we tuned that whole concept up-side-down?  What if we used “the season of giving” as an opportunity to fill our “cup” rather than our closets?  We all know that wonderful feeling that comes with giving of ourselves to others.  Not just stuff – but meaningful giving.  The kind of giving that lifts the human spirit or changes a life.

I encourage all of us — as individuals and businesses to look for ways to collectively impact the community in which we live.  If times are tough in your home – perhaps you can go serve food at a community center or gather up all those bottles of shampoo you have collected from every hotel visit and take them to a shelter for women and children in need.

If you have been blessed with prosperity this year, perhaps consider writing an extra check to area non-profits who are desperately trying to do more with far less. The Music Lab at Jefferson Center and the Youth Symphony both offer wonderful programs to students from area schools.  Habitat for Humanity offers housing to deserving families who just need a little boost.  The SPCA and Angels of Assisi are working hard to make sure our four-legged friends don’t become casualties of tough economic times.  The Roanoke Adolescent Health Partnership (RAHP) is providing affordable healthcare to the ever-growing population of un-insured children.  The list is, of course, much longer and the need is overwhelming – but we really can make a difference.

So, as we enter this “season of giving” my wish is that we will all practice random acts of kindness and generosity.  If so, the chances are we’ll turn our calendars to a new year seeing the glass as “half full” and the world filled with possibilities.

By Stephanie Koehler
[email protected]

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