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6th District Republican Candidates Square Off

Trixie Averill and Danny Goad

The Roanoke Tea Party and the 2nd Tuesday Constitution Group sponsored a joint debate between the two candidates for the 6th Congressional District Chairperson of the Republican Party.  About 60 people attended the event, held at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood last Wednesday night.

Before the debate, spokesmen from each group told the audience that they would remain neutral and not support either the Democrats or the Republicans; rather they support those candidates that are loyal to the Constitution, regardless of party affiliation.

Candidates Trixie Averill and Danny Goad each read their opening statements and then took questions.  Averill has been involved with Republican politics for over 30 years and is a member of “Americans for Prosperity.”  She supports “pro-life, the 2nd amendment, the 10th amendment and limited government,” adding, “ I agree with Ronald Reagan on the 80/20 rule – as long as the candidate does right 80% of the time, we can work on the 20%.”

Goad has been in the Republican Party for 18 years and is the current vice-chairman of the Botetourt Republican Committee.  He said “I go door- to-door and listen to concerns and everybody tells me there is a lack of leadership in the party.”  He proposes recording the 6th District meetings and making them available on a website for everyone to see.  He also wants to enfold the Tea Party and the 2nd Tuesday Constitution group into the Republican Party, since, in his view, “They uphold the same values and principles.”

When asked what they would do if the healthcare bill passes, both candidates agreed the bill is unconstitutional and that Virginia should exempt residents from enforcement.  There is an exemption bill currently on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature.

Regarding their position on the jobs bill, Averill stated that she is not fond of “green” jobs because she feels there is a hidden agenda.  She prefers job creation throughout the state rather than focusing on industry-specific jobs; she cited examples of tourism and filmmaking in the state.  Tourism returns five dollars for every dollar spent and filmmaking returns 60 dollars for every dollar spent.   Goad feels that it is not the government’s responsibility to give anyone a job, adding that government should just “get out of the way.”

When asked about term limits, and specifically Bob Goodlatte’s pledge that he would only serve one term, they had differing views.  Goad said that Goodlatte “had a pretty good voting record” but that he should stick to his word and not run for re-election.  Averill said “Bob has a terrific voting record; he brings the resolution for a balanced budget every year and gets voted down every time, but he keeps trying.  He supports our troops and veterans.  You don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.  You don’t get rid of the good guys.”

Both candidates agreed that when looking for someone to run for office, that person should be fully vetted.  They both feel the ideal candidate should uphold the Republican creed, be a conservative and be willing to keep all of the issues out in the open.

The 6th District Chairperson will be elected at the 6th District GOP Convention to be held on May 22nd in Lynchburg.  Anyone interested in attending as a voting delegate should register at their local mass meeting.

By Carla Bream
[email protected]

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