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More Fair Tax Coverage Needed

Dear Editor,

I wanted to leave comment on e-mail but it’s not easy for a novice computer user.  I want to say we are very thankful you are here providing some real balanced relevant coverage for our community. It is encouraging during this difficult uncertain time in our country. We do, however, miss someone like Brian Gotstein.

We desperately need a more informed public on the hot button issues and he was very informative. It would be great to have a more comprehensive explanation and comparison of the FAIR TAX with the current system and VAT TAX.

There is so much misinformation on this FAIR TAX and this may be one  solution to our dreadful economic situation.  Maybe you can check it out. Books are available on and you could endorse them and/or sponsor a seminar. The local Fair Tax Group would help. You have the readers. Bob Goodlatte would lend support. There are 50+ bipartisan members of Congress who sponsor the FAIR TAX bill.

It has been researched by many experts over many years. We need a big push for this before our government slips in the VAT TAX which will add disaster onto disaster.

Kathleen A. Hall

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  1. Kath,

    You might want to check into the VAT a little more. It is another consumption tax just like the Fairtax. The only significant difference is that the tax revenue is collected in smaller amouints at each step of the production cycle for goods as opposed to collecting it all at once at the retail cash register. At the same rate, the VAT collects exactly the same revenue as the Fairtax. Perhaps even a little more because there tends to be less evasion under a VAT due to the self policing nature of the VAT collection process. The VAT is just as visable provided the tax rate and amount is printed on the retail sales receipt. And the VAT could replace the income tax if that is what we want.

    Just for the sake of interest, a 20% VAT on just goods would provide the same federal revenue as the current income tax on individuals and businesses. Or, if we want to tax both goods and services, a 10% VAT would replace the income tax. Which would you prefer–a 10% VAT on all goods and services or the current income tax?

    The VAT is in use in 135 couintries around the world. Isn’t it strange that the US is the only industrialized country that doesn’t have a VAT? I sometimes wonder if it is another case of “not invented here”?

  2. There are a variety of methods used “around the world” to take the fruits of my labor and give it to someone else to pay for what another person feels society needs. It really does not matter how it’s done, the objectives is to take more and more of my/your money. Calling it “fair” or “value added” is just a way to temporarily confuse those who pay the bills, and I must say Kathleen, you do sound confused. Proof the tactic works. In concluding, I’ll offer further proof. There has never been a single tax act passed in the history of this country which did not result in the gross tax collections going up vs as they were before the “reform”

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