Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation (CCPT) proudly celebrated 55 years of combined air and ground service to southwest Virginia last weekend as part of the Down by the River Music Festival. This year marks the 30th anniversary for Carilion Clinic air transport and the 25th anniversary for ground transport. A Life-Guard helicopter and ambulances were stationed for public viewing and families had the opportunity to meet the crews and check out their equipment first hand.
Carilion Clinic Life-Guard 10 was the first medical helicopter in the state of Virginia. Since taking flight in 1981, Life-Guard 10 has flown over 20,000 patients. Carilion Clinic added a second helicopter, Life-Guard 11, to its fleet in 2005. The Life-Guard helicopters transport patients directly from the scene or from an outlying hospital to specialty care centers. In many ways, the helicopters serve as mobile intensive care units containing specialized equipment and an advanced, clinically trained medical flight crew.
Ground transport at Carilion Clinic began in 1986 as Roanoke Memorial Ambulance Transport, with three ambulances and six employees. Today, CCPT has 40 ambulances and a staff of 230 employees with bases in Roanoke, Bedford, Lexington, Rocky Mount, Westlake, Giles, Blacksburg, Radford and Salem. CCPT serves as the primary 9-1-1 service in Radford and support 9-1-1 service for Giles and Lexington. Annually, CCPT ambulances transport 35,000 patients. Both air and ground services are CAMTS accredited.
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