Representatives of charities in the Roanoke Valley (pictured left) were recipients of the first Delta Sigma Theta Christmas Jars Project.
Twelve year old DeMarco Jackson presented Christmas Jars shirts and Christmas Jars containing $100 donations to charities in the Roanoke Valley. He and his peers Christopher Cole, Aliyah Johnson, Tiana Keeling, and Christian and Taylor Vaughan filled jars dedicated to charities that are close to their hearts and donated them to Sabrina’s Place/Annette Lewis, The American Heart Association,/Samantha Arnoldy, The Roanoke Valley SPCA/Kathy Perdue, and Angels of Assisi’s/ Deborah Saunders. They also purchased 13 outfits for a girls’s orphanage in Haiti through She’s International.
In preparation for the Christmas Jars 2011/2012 Project, the Sorority is now requesting letters of interest from children ages 11 and 12. Six children will be selected to participate from the applicants based on the following criteria: They will be required to read the book Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright and participate in book discussions and maintain journals. They must have genuine concern for the community, and the environment and mankind. They are to fill their Christmas jars with generous donations that will be presented to the recipients of their choice at the Christmas Jars Program. Participants are to cultivate personal gifts of their talents in the performing and creative arts that will be rendered on the Christmas Jars Program. They must attend a rehearsal required for the success of this production. They will be mentored by members of the Sorority and the charter members of the Christmas Jars Project.
Letters of interest should be sent to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority at P.O. Box 6658 Roanoke, 24017. Letters must be postmarked by August 20th, 2011. Applicants will be notified of their application status by August 31st. Upon acceptance all participants and their parents or guardians will meet with the sorority representatives, sign character and schedule contracts, and receive their books and journals. This will be a rewarding experience for the participants as well as their recipients. The Christmas Jars Program is scheduled for December 17th at the Claude Moore Education Complex