In this the season of thanks, we at Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc. would like to take time to thank those who support us and our mission. Operation Christmas Cheer has entered into our fourth season serving children in Botetourt County through a partnership with the Botetourt County Department of Social Services. Over the past three years we have provided Christmas for 81 children of 39 families. This year we are serving 30 children in 20 families!
In the past we have been able to provide the children with a toy, at least one if not two new outfits, a coat, hat, mittens, blanket, stuffed stocking, box of hard candy and an orange. Additionally we have provided each family with Christmas Dinner and the fixings as well as food staples including flour, sugar, salt, pepper, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits, vegetables and meats, rice, beans, spaghetti and sauce, meal helpers and more. All of this is done with 100% volunteer labor and monetary donations from individuals. The final touch on our charity is the delivery method. We throw a Party with Santa for the children at which they can get their picture taken (we give them a picture in a frame to take home), sing Christmas Carols and Songs and make crafts. Then the children and their parents take their gifts home to open on Christmas Day.
We have been blessed to have the donations and volunteers to accomplish all we do and are beyond grateful! This past year we obtained 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. In addition, Operation Christmas Cheer was nominated for a 2010 and 2011 Roanoke Regional Chamber Small Business Award in the Category of Not-For-Profit Health & Human Services. It truly has been an exciting year at Operation Christmas Cheer!
Again, you make this all possible. We have our Angels. Our humble request is that you make a donation that you or your business can afford. Through you we can all help these children have a nice Christmas experience with warm clothes, toys and food. Your continued support is appreciated more than you can imagine.
Can we count on you?
Again, we take this time to thank the individuals and businesses who have participated in and been supportive of Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc.
Bob & Wendy Jones, President & Vice President, Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc.