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Goodlatte / Kwiatkowski Face Off in Republican Primary

Congressman Bob Goodlatte

by Valerie Garner

Tuesday, June 12 Republicans will go to the polls to pick their nominee for the 6th Congressional District and nominee for U.S. Senate. The congressional candidates are 20-year incumbent Bob Goodlatte and his challenger Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel who lives on a farm in Shenandoah County near Mt. Jackson.

Kwiatkowski has a Ph.D. in World Politics from Catholic University of America and was inside the Pentagon when it was attacked on September 11, 2001.

In an email Kwiatkowski said, “Upon taking office, I will immediately sponsor, cosponsor or propose legislation to read the bills, write the law, and one subject at a time act. I’ll propose legislation to end the congressional retirement system, require them to purchase their own healthcare, reduce their annual pay, and drastically reduce congressional perks. I’ll sign on to audit the fed, and I’ll join the Republican Liberty Caucus in the House in order to start working on and proposing legislation to repeal the Patriot Act, to repeal the detention provisions in the NDAA, and put forth and propose spending cuts immediately, for all government agencies and departments based on past performance, constitutional necessity, and existing waste. This includes the DOD . . . If Advance Auto and Amazon can track customer needs, answer the mail, and ensure people get what they need, in 2012 the Congressional office ought to be able to answer the mail within 72 hours, with a real answer to a real problem, and conduct follow-ups to ensure problems are solved and answers are satisfactory.”

Rep. Bob Goodlatte has held the 6th district that includes Roanoke City for 20 years. Goodlatte is best known for his persistence in trying to get a “balanced budget” amendment adopted. As an incumbent his million-dollar campaign has dwarfed that of his opponent. Goodlatte has avoided recognition of his opponent and calls from Kwiatkowski to debate.

Goodlatte’s campaign manager Chris Leavitt responded in an email: “The Bob Goodlatte for Congress team has been working hard across the sixth district to reach out to voters directly by going door to door, making phone calls and hosting events. The support for the Congressman has been wonderful. Voters are proud of how he is fighting the liberal Obama agenda in Washington. Either by voting over 25 times to defund or repeal Obamacare or by pushing to cut federal spending and authoring legislation that would lift the federal ban on offshore drilling to lower gas prices, Congressman Goodlatte has a proven record of conservative values. “

Leavitt also said that Goodlatte was, “honored to have received endorsements from the National Right to Life Committee and the National Rifle Association as well as receiving an ‘A’ rating from the National Taxpayers Union for his strong support of responsible tax and spending policies.”

The winner of Tuesday’s primary will face Democrat Andrew Schmookler who lives in Shenandoah County.

Tuesday will also have the U.S. Senate Republican candidates on the ballot. Those candidates include former U.S. Senator and former Virginia Governor George Allen, Tea Party candidate Jamie Radtke, Bishop E. W. Jackson who has local Tea Party support and Delegate Bob Marsh best known in the General Assembly for sponsoring social bills such as the “personhood” bill. They have held three debates one of which was in Roanoke on April 28. The winner will face former Virginia Governor and DNC chair, Tim Kaine in November.

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