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Area Golfers Raise Funds for Cancer Patients

Bob Hartman, Robin Hartman, Tracie Gordon and Richard Goad watch as Sonny Helms, with Butterfield's Golf Cars and Turf Equipment, presents the check to Aaron Rivers, representing the Carilion Clinic Cancer Center Sunshine Fund.

A group of friends looking for a way to help cancer patients ended up raising ,000 with their first annual “Swinging for a Cure” golf tournament.  The friends, who have each been touched by cancer  either personally or through a loved one, wanted to do something to help others who were struggling because of the disease.

The “Swinging for a Cure” golf tournament at Ashley Plantation included a drawing for a shiny pink golf cart, provided by Butterfield’s Golf Cars and Turf Equipment of Montvale. The event raised a total of $12,000, exceeding the organizers’ first year goal.

“This is just the beginning, we’ll do even better next year,” said Butterfield’s Sonny Helms.

The funds were donated through the Carilion Foundation to the Carilion Clinic Cancer Center Sunshine Fund. The fund provides financial support to patients for transportation and other needs associated with their treatment.

For more information about the Carilion Clinic Foundation, contact Kay Strickland at 540-224-5398 or [email protected]

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