WFXR FOX 21/27 has announced that it has received an EMMY for the John Carlin Virginia story on guitar maker, Wayne Henderson.
Mr. Carlin, along with photojournalist Curt Schruth received Emmys this past Saturday night in Washington, DC; winning in the Arts and Entertainment Feature Segment. They competed in The National Capital Chesapeake Bay Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts and Science which includes television stations in Virginia, The District of Columbia and Maryland.
The winning entry was a profile on guitar maker, Wayne Henderson. People wait up to 10 years for Wayne Henderson to build them a guitar. He builds each one by hand in his small wood shop in Rugby, Virginia which has a population of just seven. His guitars are world famous, and he himself has played at Carnegie Hall, but when asked what he planned to do for an encore he said, “Well next weekend I’m playing at the Rugby volunteer fire department.”
He was interviewed in his small shop, where he played on one of his more recently built guitars and one of his very first ones that came back to him when someone asked him to repair it. It was worn from hours of playing and had a bullet hole in the back. He bought it back from the man and fixed the broken parts, but left the bullet hole. It sounded just fine.
That’s the kind of earnest, down home character that we love to shine a light on for John Carlin’s Virginia,” said Carlin.
John Carlin Virginia is shown on the FOX 21/27 Ten O Clock News on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and then on the FOX 21/27 Morning News on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. You can view the Emmy Award winning segment on Wayne Henderson on the FOX 21/27 website at www.fox2127.com, just click on the Ten O Clock News icon and then choose John Carlin Virginia.