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Flowers Receives Innovator Of Year Award

Mr. Jim Flowers (w/plaque) with 2010 and 2011 award winners – Mr. Jim Loux, Ms. Cornelia Steinert, Mr. David Denny.

Mr. Jim Flowers of VT KnowledgeWorks was recognized at the 64th Annual Virginia Conference on World Trade.  Mr. Flowers was the recipient of the Virginia TradePort Innovator of the Year Award for 2012 presented at the conference in Roanoke.

The Virginia TradePort recognizes a company or individual that has made a significant impact on international trade and business development in and around the Virginia TradePort.  This year’s conference was the third year for this award.  Mr. Flowers was recognized for his efforts and leadership role with the VT KnowledgeWorks Global Partnership.

Mr. Flowers was recognized for his efforts and leadership role with the VT KnowledgeWorks Global Partnership.  The VT KnowledgeWorks Global Partnership offers university students and faculty from all over the world a chance to collaborate, form partnerships, build their global networks, and congregate in Blacksburg and Roanoke.

The Global Partnership is an ongoing cooperative association of regions building permanent social, academic, and commercial relationships with each other, for mutual long-term advantage. Members of the partnership gather annually during a week-long Global Partnership event hosted by VT KnowledgeWorks, Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center, Virginia Tech, and citizens and businesses of the Roanoke-Blacksburg region.

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