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Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc. Says Thank You!

In this the season of thanks, we at Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc. sincerely thank those who support our mission.  Operation Christmas Cheer (a 501(c) (3) charity) is in its fifth season serving children in Botetourt County through a partnership with the Botetourt County Department of Social Services.   Over the past four years we have provided Christmas for 111 children among 59 families, and are serving an additional 35 children in 19 families this year.
We provide each child with a toy, new outfits, a blanket, and a stuffed stocking.  Each family also receives a complete Christmas dinner, plus food staples including flour, sugar, rice, beans, meal helpers, canned fruits/vegetables/meats, and more.  Santa delivers all this at a party in the children’s honor.
We have been blessed to have the donations and volunteers to accomplish all we do and are beyond grateful!   All of this is done with 100% volunteer labor and donations.  Every penny we receive goes to the children and their families.
Please remember that it is never too late to donate. We are looking for monetary help for Christmas 2013 and beyond. Through you we can provide these needy children with a wonderful Christmas that includes warm clothes, toys and food.  Your continued support is appreciated more than you can imagine.
Can we count on you?
Bob & Wendy Jones, President & Vice President,
Operation Christmas Cheer, Inc.

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