With 52-year veteran independent Delegate Lacy Putney (I-19) retiring candidates are lining up for the Republican primary in an attempt to fill his shoes. Zachary Hatcher is one of three that have announced. Botetourt County Supervisor Terry L Austin, and Bedford businessman Jim McKelvey are also running.
Hatcher is a small business owner and a pastor at Mount Bethel Church of the Brethren in Eagle Rock.
When asked why he was running, Hatcher said, “After years of praying that God would raise up Godly men and women to run for political office and hearing from numerous people that I am exactly the type of person we need in office, I decided that it was time to stop simply hoping for the right leaders and to become that right leader.”
Hatcher is a graduate of Lord Botetourt High school and earned his Bachelor of Science in Economics from Radford University. He founded Hatcher Properties and became a real estate investor. He worked four years at Bank of Fincastle before leaving to attend graduate school at Virginia Tech. Hatcher was appointment by Governor McDonald to serve on the Virginia State Milk Commission.
“It appears that the same mentality that has driven our federal government to run up over $16 trillion in debt has made its way to Richmond,” said Hatcher. “A bigger government is not the answer, nor is the mentality that more spending will solve our problems. I, like the voters in the 19th District, believe that we need a limited government that leads to more liberty for individuals and communities. This is the answer to our problems.”
Hatcher says he covets the support of those who believe and still hold to the principals our county was founded on. He said, “With their support we can win and we can turn things around.”
The Republican nominee for the 19th House of Delegates will be chosen at a Legislative District Party Canvas (Firehouse Primary) on Tuesday, May 7, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 p.m.
By Valerie Garner