Virginia Farm Bureau Federation AgPAC has announced its endorsement of Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate for governor; Ralph S. Northam, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor; and Mark D. Obenshain, the Republican candidate for attorney general.
“The individuals we endorsed have demonstrated their support for farmers through their leadership on specific issues or their favorable voting records while holding positions in the General Assembly,” said Wayne F. Pryor, VFBF president and chairman of the VFBF AgPAC board of trustees. “We believe we have endorsed three candidates who have helped farmers and will continue to help agriculture and forestry remain viable and remain Virginia’s largest industry.”
Pryor said Cuccinelli “has a proven track record of standing up for eminent domain reform” and for fair treatment of landowners in the takings process. “Without the leadership of Ken Cuccinelli, we would not have the eminent domain reform amendment to Virginia’s constitution,” approved by voters last fall.
He also praised Cuccinelli for calling foul when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency attempted to overstep its statutory authority on water and air issues that affect farms.