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Languid Leadership Leads to Reticent Respect

Dick-Baynton-Print-MugFormer President Nixon’s most memorable words may have been, “I hereby resign the office of President of the United States.” These words of finality were spoken on August 9, 1974 as a result of his apparent knowledge of the break-in of the DNC offices in the Watergate complex in Washington on the night of June 17, 1972. Several of Mr. Nixon’s co-conspirators were sent to prison.

The House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, on December 19, 1998. However, he remained in office because the Senate acquitted him on February 12, 1999. The impeachment was based largely on his lie under oath when he said on January 26, 1998, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Over the past several years, the present President has said with great clarity that with his signature legislation, families will save $2,500 per year on healthcare costs, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it. These were lies, told to millions of citizens over the years

How can we say that these assurances were untrue? The answer is simply common sense. Obamacare was planned to revolutionize the health insurance industry. Coverage by healthcare insurers would be required to cover all pre-existing health conditions. Children up to 26 years of age would be covered under parental policies. Maternity, morning-after pills, condoms and other contraceptive devices would be covered under the new law. Both critics and supporters of Obamacare agree that abortions will have access to funding through Obamacare.

Considering the added coverage plus the addition of 30 or 40 million uninsured people, the cost of healthcare has to increase, its just plain arithmetic and rational conclusions. There have been deliberate and incidental rumors that compensation for doctors would be affected, hospitals would reduce their bills through improved efficiencies and evil insurance companies would finally be brought to reason and reduce arbitrarily high prices. Further suggestions of savings have been touted by the spread of ‘defensive medicine’ that would include annual physicals, and specific testing using mammograms for women and prostate tests for men.

The critical difference between the lies of Nixon, Clinton and Obama is clear. Nixon and Clinton lied under oath. President Obama lied many times over several years but apparently the oath that he took on January 20, 2013 does not cover these offenses under the rules of juris prudence where the word ‘perjury’ applies. Mr. Obama, in his 2012 campaign quest for a four-year extension on his government job lied about many things, but not under oath. An accommodating public wanted to accept candidate Obama’s every word, returning him to office for another four years. The new healthcare plan was ready for implementation.

Well, not really. The healthcare plan ‘rollout’ was so problem riddled that on October 14, the President told insurers and citizens that they could keep their old plan, but just for a year. And the plan could be kept if the state insurance commissioners in each state approved. And finally, your plan could be kept if the insurance company wanted to continue offering it to you after it had been cancelled. The insurance companies don’t seem to be pleased with this sudden change and several critics have pointed out that the President is not authorized to make such arbitrary changes in settled law.

The President says he didn’t know that the $600+ million software program was not ready for activation on a national scale, however recent evidence indicates that he did know that the program was faulty but declined to delay the introduction. Such a move would suggest that the Republicans were right to urge a one-year delay in the rollout.

Strong leadership in social activities such as basket to casket benefits, education grants and loans, regulations and union work rules bring dependence and tyranny. Leading from behind in foreign affairs, immigration, tax, spending, welfare reform and economic expansion leads to mediocrity for all the world to see.

Former President Nixon’s most memorable words may have been, “I hereby resign the office of President of the United States.” These words of finality were spoken on August 9, 1974 as a result of his apparent knowledge of the break-in of the DNC offices in the Watergate complex in Washington on the night of June 17, 1972. Several of Mr. Nixon’s co-conspirators were sent to prison.

The House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, on December 19, 1998. However, he remained in office because the Senate acquitted him on February 12, 1999. The impeachment was based largely on his lie under oath when he said on January 26, 1998, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”

Over the past several years, the present President has said with great clarity that with his signature legislation, families will save $2,500 per year on healthcare costs, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it. These were lies, told to millions of citizens over the years

How can we say that these assurances were untrue? The answer is simply common sense. Obamacare was planned to revolutionize the health insurance industry. Coverage by healthcare insurers would be required to cover all pre-existing health conditions. Children up to 26 years of age would be covered under parental policies. Maternity, morning-after pills, condoms and other contraceptive devices would be covered under the new law. Both critics and supporters of Obamacare agree that abortions will have access to funding through Obamacare.

Considering the added coverage plus the addition of 30 or 40 million uninsured people, the cost of healthcare has to increase, its just plain arithmetic and rational conclusions. There have been deliberate and incidental rumors that compensation for doctors would be affected, hospitals would reduce their bills through improved efficiencies and evil insurance companies would finally be brought to reason and reduce arbitrarily high prices. Further suggestions of savings have been touted by the spread of ‘defensive medicine’ that would include annual physicals, and specific testing using mammograms for women and prostate tests for men.

The critical difference between the lies of Nixon, Clinton and Obama is clear. Nixon and Clinton lied under oath. President Obama lied many times over several years but apparently the oath that he took on January 20, 2013 does not cover these offenses under the rules of juris prudence where the word ‘perjury’ applies. Mr. Obama, in his 2012 campaign quest for a four-year extension on his government job lied about many things, but not under oath. An accommodating public wanted to accept candidate Obama’s every word, returning him to office for another four years. The new healthcare plan was ready for implementation.

Well, not really. The healthcare plan ‘rollout’ was so problem riddled that on October 14, the President told insurers and citizens that they could keep their old plan, but just for a year. And the plan could be kept if the state insurance commissioners in each state approved. And finally, your plan could be kept if the insurance company wanted to continue offering it to you after it had been cancelled. The insurance companies don’t seem to be pleased with this sudden change and several critics have pointed out that the President is not authorized to make such arbitrary changes in settled law.

The President says he didn’t know that the $600+ million software program was not ready for activation on a national scale, however recent evidence indicates that he did know that the program was faulty but declined to delay the introduction. Such a move would suggest that the Republicans were right to urge a one-year delay in the rollout.

Strong leadership in social activities such as basket to casket benefits, education grants and loans, regulations and union work rules bring dependence and tyranny. Leading from behind in foreign affairs, immigration, tax, spending, welfare reform and economic expansion leads to mediocrity for all the world to see.

– Dick Baynton

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