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Silly Science – Part II

Dennis Garvin
Dennis Garvin

“Where is the wise man?  Where is the scholar?  Where is the philosopher of this age?  Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?”  –  1 Corinthians 1:20

 “If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck and flies like a duck, it must be an atheist in a duck suit.”   –  Dennis Garvin, former atheist and duck-suit wearer

 Atheistic science suffers from the same foibles common to all humanity; being, after all, a human endeavor, we should not be surprised.  What is more surprising is that they possess the very failings they attribute to people of faith: narrow-mindedness, intolerance, judgmentalism, misrepresentation.  Let’s have some fun at the expense of these smart folks.

There is narrow-mindedness among the science folks.  For years, the atheists said the universe and all its particulate matter had always existed.  Then came the Big Bang Theory where, in an infinitely small period of time, light came into existence (and Only light, no solid stuff) That sounds eerily like Genesis 1:3 “And God said ‘let there be light,’ and there was light.”  Carl Sagan, producer of ‘Cosmos,’ refused to accept this theory and insisted on continuing to reinvent the flat tire.  Sadly, because spiritual folks had long ago surrendered the field of science to these pundits, we did not holler about the theological implications and scorn the atheists as they scrambled to separate Big Bang from Genesis.  That’s ok; we are making up for it now.

Atheists laugh at the six days of creation versus the 15 billion years of

the universe, claiming it to be irreconcilable. That is laughable only if you are stuck in the Newtonian physics of the 18th century.  Einstein introduced Relativity.  This explains for us, for example, why we would weigh less on the moon than we do on earth, the force of gravity changing relative to the space rock we are standing on.  The atheist embraces Einstein but doesn’t want relativity applied to the passage of time itself; that Time is influenced and changed by many factors. Using the wavelength of Cosmic Background radiation and Einstein’s Time Dilation, we find that the 15 billion years of scientific creationism fits precisely with the six days of biblical creation, those six days passing at the speed of time back in the beginning.  Atheists really should get their heads shaved so these concepts won’t get caught in their hair as they zoom over their heads.

Evolutionists opined that mankind appeared on the earth simultaneously in multiple different locations, sneering at Adam and Eve.  Then came the finding of mitochondrial DNA which can trace mankind back through generations along the maternal line.  Doing regression studies, they have traced the origin of humanity back along a migratory path that began in eastern Africa, possibly northeast; quite close to where the Bible places Eden.   The media referred to a prime beginner female and called her ‘Eve.’ The evolutionary biologists sputtered and denied it.  When you search through their Latin, their denial is only based on a desperate hope.

The Flood.  This is a favorite whipping boy for the atheists: pure fantasy, they squeak.  They come up with strangled explanations (superposition; an aberrant shift of tectonic plates) for marine (salt water) fossils found two miles above sea level in the Andes. Then, there are ancient maps indicating that the Antarctic ice was absent at a time when humans were alive to map the land mass beneath it (the melting of that ice would raise sea-level 200 feet across the globe).

Let’s keep sneering, atheists.  After all, there had to be more water than comes from melted polar ice.  Oh Oh.  In March 2014, Scientific American published an article in which they are now believing that there is ‘another ocean worth of water’ caught in the mantle of the earth.  Were that to have come up to the surface, it would seem oddly like Genesis 7:11 ‘all the springs of the great deep burst forth.’  Yes, boys and girls, it did rain for 40 days and nights, but that isn’t where most of the water came from.

It is getting harder to chuckle at this ‘fantasy,’ but I have every confidence that the atheists will have another duck-suit to explain it. Oh, wait, I have it!  Such a water shift would have destabilized the earth, causing it to shrink in upon itself.  Wait, nope.  We know that the earth’s plates work like expansion joints on a bridge, allowing for such a shift.  Speaking of ‘bridge,’ scientists talk about entire continents separating from each other.  Gosh, how might that happen?  It couldn’t possibly be from an expansion of the earth as the water receded back into the earth’s mantle.  Naw!  We may need to go on EBay for a better duck-suit.

No statement in the Bible has been proven false. For example, for years historians said that no archeological evidence existed for a King David.  In 1993, the Tel-Dan discovery confirmed David’s existence and his reign.  Every time a backward-looking scientist digs something up, another sacred cow from the atheists’ herd turns into hamburger.  They are beginning to sound like a paraphrase from the Wizard of Oz:  ‘pay no attention to that God behind the curtain.’

I feel I should apologize for being so hard on atheists.  Therefore, I am willing to compromise:  I will concede that atheists and apes probably share a common ancestor.  As for me, I am a child of the Creator.

– Dennis Garvin

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  1. With all due respect to the author, this piece sets up a false dichotomy. It assumes that our ONLY choices are Biblical creationists vs. atheistic scientists. As a long-standing scientist (whose intellectual hero is Charles Darwin, by the way!) and a man of faith, I can attest to the falsity in such presentations. This piece is filled with egregious error and unnecessary sarcasm, but this point is the most alarming. The great evolutionist – and practicing Russian Orthodox Christian – Theodosius Dobzhansky once wrote: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”

  2. I appreciate the mature and measured tone of your criticism. I must, however, disagree on a few points. I did not say that biblical creation or atheistic science creation are the only options. At issue for me is the way the atheistic scientists attack biblical creation. The whole thrust of my articles is to show the absurdity of their myopia. FYI, I believe in certain features of evolution (as a surgeon, I see bacteria mutating to develop antibiotic resistance). However, to swallow Darwinian evolution whole with no critical analysis in inane. I assume that you do not agree with your ‘intellectual hero’ that the negro race is less evolved than the Caucasian. Also, the Bible does not preclude levels of evolution- at least three times in Genesis, scripture refers to creature development ‘after their kind’. That means that horses, zebra and related equines could have evolved from a common ancestor with No scriptural contradiction.
    I completely disagree with your description as ‘egregious error’. That you or anyone might disagree with a position does not render that position erroneous. English is a sufficiently rich language that provides far better word selection. As far as the sarcasm, it was intentional and, in my erroneous opinion, a bit mild. It was far from gratuitous. I am simply letting the pompous atheists experience what it is like when someone does to them what they routinely do to people of faith. On secular college campuses, intellectual atheism is the norm. A person of faith must step lightly there. Here again, I expect you will disagree, but we have multiple cases of professors and staff ridiculing people of faith. They ‘celebrate diversity’ in these settings, but it is diversity of appearance. They demand absolute uniformity of opinion. Try going on to a supposed liberal, open minded campus, arguing against abortion, gun control, global warming,open borders, feminism- see how long you last. Let’s refrain from saying that anyone disagreeing with these sacred cows of secularism is automatically wrong and deserves censure. At issue is ‘diversity of opinion.’
    Nevertheless, your comment was appreciated. I will be the first to admit that, when I was an intellectual atheist, I was a jerk. Now that I have become a person of faith, I am just a jerk for the other side of the argument.

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