A silent phase has meant more than two million dollars towards a goal of four million that has already been raised for “Performance Beyond: the Campaign for Jefferson Center,” a fundraising campaign made public recently. Executive director Cyrus Pace, artistic director Dylan Locke and others spoke about what Jeff Center plans to do with that money once it is raised – hopefully within the next year, said Pace.
Physical upgrades at Jefferson Center – the former Jefferson High School which sprang back to life as a cultural hub and office space for non-profits about 15 years ago – is on that wish list. So are new programs for students and others. “[We want] to stabilize the building, take care of some capital concerns that exist,” said Pace, projects that will need about 2.5 million of that 4 million dollar total.
Pace sees the other 1.5 million as an “opportunity fund to make sure we reach our potential – both in programming and education.” Adding to Jeff Center’s maintenance endowment fund is the other goal. “[That’s] so the building is truly sustainable, so we’re not back in a place where we are raising additional funds to shore up capital concerns.”
Look for special fundraising events and a presence on the website (jeffcenter.org) to reach the finish line for Performance Beyond, however they can engage the public according to Pace. “The community has [already] bought into this idea and now we’re [going out] to the larger community as well.” Jefferson Center will also seek donations via a mail campaign: “everything that you can imagine.”
The silent phase of the campaign raised the first two million-plus in a little over a year, according to Pace. “That’s a big deal for this community. “[Wrapping it up] in a year would be perfect.”
By Gene Marrano