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DICK BAYNTON: The Collusion Illusion

Dick Baynton

On Friday, March 22nd the curtain on the satirical play called ‘The Mueller Investigation’ went up and the players in this parody were exposed. The leading actor was Robert Swan Mueller III, age 74, appointed Special Counsel for The Department of Justice by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on May 17th, 1017.

Other luminaries included 19 attorneys, 40 FBI agents and professional staff including forensic accountants and intelligence analysts. Actions included about 230 records for communication information, almost 500 search warrants and over 2,800 subpoenas. The attorneys and staff members invited onto the stage of this apparent farce were not rookies but rather seasoned professionals in their fields of endeavor.

The cast was selected and the script was written by a vicarious ragtag collection of conspirators called ‘never Trumpers.’ These were people in some at the highest level of investigative and intelligence-collection agencies in our nation; all professional pursuers of truth, honor and lawful disposition of evidence and facts. Or so we thought. Special Counsel Mueller came to his position with a long list of impressive prerequisites; his education was outstanding and his military service with the USMC for almost three years in Vietnam (1968-1971) featured a long list of awards including a Bronze Star (with ‘V’ for Valor) and a Purple Heart.

But the basis for this investigation has been reported to be counterfeit based on evidence provided to the FISA Court named The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. This court was established in 1978 and authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The purpose was to handle surveillance warrants relating to foreign agents (spies) inside the U. S. by federal intelligence and law enforcement investigators. Presumably this investigation target was ‘The Russian Collusion’ that was bogus because the actions required were aimed at spying on U.S. citizens (not foreigners) with special emphasis on Donald Trump who had won the presidential election on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016.

The recently published report (after daily presentations for about 22 months that received upwards of $25 million of tax-payer extractions) found that neither Donald Trump nor any of his staff had anything to do with altering the outcome of the 2016 presidential campaign. In fact, the report went further by mentioning that no one in the Trump campaign was involved in collusion in spite of the fact that several people associated with Russian government had made offers to assist in a campaign favoring candidate Trump.

As in most ‘plays’ when the curtain rises and falls for the last time, the note of finality is that the culprit gets his/her comeuppance or the handsome lover actually gets his selection of the beautiful lady (girl, woman). In the case of this extended performance, the news pleased Republicans but Democrats determined while this play was ending a new play was just beginning. The Democrats plan to dig deeper than Mueller and sort through the tailings of evidence that has already undergone the scrutiny of a host of attorneys, accountants and analysts.

Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is demanding to see the entire Mueller report unredacted on or before April 2, 2019, House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) insists that there will be more investigations showing collusion by the Trump campaign and his side-kick Eric Swalwell (D-CA) also on the House Intelligence committee believes that Trump is more interested in defending Russia than his homeland.

Attorney General William Barr has responded that the earliest he can review and forward the Mueller report to Congress is a couple weeks away to be sure that all secure classified information can be protected. The House Democrat majority want a replay of the 22-month Mueller illusive satirical investigation.

Millions of U.S. citizens are interested in getting back to ‘Make America Great Again.’ But Governor Cuomo of NY just said last year, “America was never that great” and in a recent interview on MSNBC, former Attorney General Eric Holder echoed Cuomo’s words by asking the prosaic question, “When did you think America was great?”

To disloyal citizens like Cuomo and Holder here is a suggestion, “Name the country where greater opportunities for liberty and freedom exist, reject your current citizenship and apply for transfer to your version of Shangri-La; Bon Voyage!

Dick Baynton

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