“Well, that shouldn’t be so hard to do,” you say. I mean it’s Christmas after all – as a minimum gifts are given, people are nicer and there’s generally a bit more forgiveness about. As a maximum one celebrates the gift of God himself in the person of Jesus – born to two hick teenagers under a dusty animal stall in the ancient outpost of Bethlehem.
God incarnate in utter humility – “come what for to save the world.”
But Christmas has its own challenges, of course.
For those without family and friends it brings an amplified time of loneliness. This might be for any number of reasons – loss of a loved one, a career change, a recent move to a distant state, or simply old age. Or maybe you’ve just never been very good at making and keeping friends.
And if you don’t have your Lord – well, you don’t have your Lord.
I remember asking my 99-year-old grandmother how she was doing one Christmas and she said, “Fine, except I’ve outlived all of my friends. I met some new ones – but I outlived most of them too.” She said this with a smile but she had made her point. Christmas was probably the loneliest time of her year once she returned from our house.
But she also had REAL Christmas – the Bible I inherited from her with all its highlights and column notes tells me that.
Her Christmas was always bright – no matter what.
Hope yours is too.