Sometimes a picture really does speak a thousand words – and then some. Such is the one posted with this column taken by my nephew John Funkhouser who decided to adopt one of daughter Jane’s raucous German Shepherd pups.
John, who has that rare innate gift for extraordinary photography – that has more to do with perfect timing than anything else – snapped a couple of picks of “Kaia” just after her arrival on their farm and when I saw this one I said, “Oh my!” and immediately saved it with the title, “The New Dog.”
Look at it – I mean just LOOK at it. There she is in all of her glory, Kaia bounding in utter Joy and devotion, surely reflecting that of her new master, who’s leg is caught dancing beside her – while the old dog (and clearly FORMER King of The Ranch) “Blue” looks solemnly on. (Quite literally and figuratively in the background.)
It is a perfectly caught moment in time and space that is glorious in its projection of honest meaning – even if its a somewhat tough one.
“I have been usurped. The ‘New’ has arrived . . .”
“And . . . I . . . Am . . . Old.”
At 58 years of age – I can relate to Blue’s look of lament.
But it’s OK old boy – we’ve had our times and in my wiser moments I know I wouldn’t trade a single victory or defeat – including all those groundhogs that got away.
So here’s to all you new dogs.
And us older one’s – one step closer to the Kingdom.
Stuart Revercomb