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SCOTT DREYER: Did You Know The Word “Gullible” Is Not In The Dictionary?

This old joke keeps coming to mind these past couple of weeks as I see the “news” and social media stories and commentaries seeking to assure us, “There is no voter fraud in the US,” “This was the most secure election in American history,” “Nothing to see here; keep moving along, everyone.”

Some people may be thinking: but what about the recent videos and testimonials I’ve seen of alleged voter fraud, and the hundreds of people putting their necks on the line by signing affidavits (legal documents) claiming they have witnessed it? How did lackluster Joe Biden get more total votes than the “rock star” Barack Obama did in 2008 or 2012?

To such people, the answer seems to be: who are you going to trust? Your lying eyes and ears? Or ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCNPRAPFBTWITTERGOOGLE? It’s almost as if the message is, “What’s wrong with you crazy people? Can’t you just believe what you’re told?”

As I addressed in my Nov. 6 column, “Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as Voter Fraud,” it has happened before. Many historians believe that Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election over Richard Nixon by way of fraud in Chicago, which gave Illinois to Kennedy in that razor-thin election. If those allegations are true, then the entire Kennedy Administration and Lyndon Johnson Administration–who came to power after Kennedy’s assassination–were based on a scam.

The total lack of curiosity today is remarkable. For four years we were told over and over: the Russians hacked the 2016 election! The integrity of our precious democratic republic is at stake! We must all be vigilant! Now, however, the message has flipped: “All is well. Stay in your lane. Don’t fret your pretty little head.”

Since the election I have seen many social media posts flagged with warnings such as: “This information is disputed or may be misleading. Voter fraud in the US is extremely rare. We do not want to in any way jeopardize the integrity of our electoral system.”

What I think big tech is really saying by those messages is: “Trust the government. Trust the vote counters. Trust the vote counting machines. Whatever you do, don’t ask any questions or have any doubts.”

That message reminds me of a bumper sticker I bought from a Cherokee vendor at Salem’s Native American pow wow in Green Hill Park some 20 years ago:

Sure You Can Trust the Government.

Ask any Indian.

I do not claim to know all the answers, or how this will all turn out. What I do believe is, adults should be able to think for themselves, ask questions freely, share and receive information without hindrance, and thoroughly investigate all claims of election “irregularities.”

With legal challenges and/or recounts in some six crucial states, this issue is now in the hands of lawyers, law enforcement, judges, and ultimately, God.  Regardless of the outcome, the whole process needs to be transparent and above-board, so all Americans of all political stripes will call our next Chief Executive “Mr. President” and not “His Fraudulency.”

Scott Dreyer in his classroom.

– Scott Dreyer


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