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SCOTT DREYER: Democracy Is Not A Spectator Sport

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. — Hosea 4:6a

A wise millennial friend of mine recently said, “When God gives you a vision but not a calling, get behind someone with that calling.”

He then explained it this way: When you have a deep concern or interest in something or some topic, but you lack the time, energy, background or bandwidth to take it on yourself, find a person or organization that is already engaged in that work or field, and try to support them as much as you can with what you have to work with.

Are you concerned where our state and nation are heading culturally, economically, and politically? Would you like to make your voice heard, but don’t know where to start? Have you ever been concerned about a bill or issue, but learn about it too late after it’s already become a law?

If any of these questions resonate with you, you may want to link up with the Virginia Family Foundation. They are a full-time, faith-based organization headquartered in Richmond committed to keeping track of the state government and informing Virginia citizens of crucial issues and how they can have an impact.

Think about the almost dizzying pace of recent events. All last year we grappled with the upcoming elections, pandemic, lockdowns, school closures, unemployment, etc. Next, from November 3, onward, we had the election and its disputed outcomes. Then, even before the inauguration and while much focus was still on the federal government, the Virginia General Assembly (GA) started its session to debate and make state laws. “That was fast,” I thought to myself, when I heard the GA was already at it again.

A friend recently told me how important it is to call and email legislators about crucial votes, but that with the vast array of bills and issues at the local, state, and federal levels, it’s virtually impossible for one person to keep track of it all. “It’s a full time job,” he added.

This is where the Virginia Family Foundation can help. With their full-time presence in Richmond, they are keeping track of upcoming issues and votes that the GA will be deciding. When you sign up for their email list, they will give you timely updates explaining the issue, which committee will be voting, and what is at stake. Plus, when you input your address, they will automatically forward your emails to your state delegate and senator. That way, you can be sure that the legislators who are supposed to represent you are hearing from you.

There is an old saying, “Democracy is not a spectator sport.” It requires the attention and involvement of us all. Apathy destroys.

Action items:

Sign up to get their timely alerts delivered right to your inbox.

If you don’t know already, find out who your representatives are in the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate. (You will see this each time you submit an email about an issue.) If you feel so led, you may want to call their office, introduce yourself, and explain you are a concerned citizen taking steps to inform yourself and get involved.

If you are a person of faith, pray and perhaps even fast for our state, nation, and culture. We are in a state of spiritual crisis. Many if not most of the problems we see today are not the root problems; they are merely the symptoms of deeper maladies. The decisions we adults make today will determine which freedoms and standard of living future generations will enjoy.

Some of you, if you have the means, may want to take a more practical step and contribute to the work of the Family Foundation.

Scott Dreyer in his classroom.

– Scott Dreyer

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