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Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center Receives Baby North American River Otters

The Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke has received a pair of baby North American river otters. Although the center sees more than 160 species a year, receiving river otters is quite rare for them.

The two baby North American River Otters were found outside their den, nowhere near a water source, and far away from any signs of parents—the center says they suspect that someone may have moved them and dropped them off given their strange location of rescue. Weak, hungry, and scared these twins definitely needed human intervention and were brought into rehab by a conservation police officer.

Otters are common but historically declined due to the fur trade in early American history and because of decline in water quality in recent American history. Tightening clean water regulations and wetland protection has allowed this species to bounce back but they still face many challenges—as a species that is highly sensitive to water pollution and toxins, they need strong environmental protections and management if they are to continue to live in our American future.

To learn more about the Southwestern Virginia Wild Life Center go to:

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