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August Kegley Lecture to Cover Lewis & Clark Trail

Peggy Crosson, President, Virginia Lewis and Clark Legacy Trail, will take the audience through the Trail Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 7 p.m. in the theater at the Historical Society of Western Virginia on Shenandoah Avenue NE Roanoke.

In 2013, Crosson received the Ruth Anderson McCulloch Historic Preservation Award from the Southern Shenandoah Valley Branch of Preservation Virginia for her efforts on the Trail, which was then a proposal.

The completed Virginia Lewis & Clark Eastern Legacy Trail extends the boundaries of Lewis and Clark’s historic journey to include historic corridors traveled on behalf of the expedition before and after the St. Louis departure in 1804 and arrival in 1806. The Eastern Legacy Trail covers about 260 miles through southwest Virginia.

The lectures are part of the Kegley Lecture series. They will be in person in the museum auditorium, but will include a Facebook Live component for those who cannot attend. Lectures will also be available through YouTube two days after the talk. The series is sponsored by a grant from Virginia Humanities and Norris Inc. The Bank of Botetourt is the major sponsor for the exhibit.

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