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Russia-Ukraine War and The Failure of Foreign Policy

President Joe Biden’s lack of leadership in the world can be observed in the Russia-Ukraine war. The incompetency of president Biden has put the entire nation in a perilous situation. During the press conferences, Joe Biden’s inability to focus and present clear answers has arisen questions and became worrisome for Americans. As NATO is facing a threat from Russia, and it could lead to a disaster, President Biden is unable to appear as the leader of the strongest nation, America. The purpose of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is not only domination and dissemination of power in the region, it is a defiance of NATO which is led by the United States. Although imposing sanctions on Russia is a necessary step, it will not have a powerful impact on Putin nor disable the military from continuing to invade Ukraine. It will harm Russian citizens to a higher degree.

To look back at 2014, while former president Obama was addressing West Point graduates stated, “ America must always lead on the world stage.” “If we don’t, no one else will.” Such quotes are remarkable, but the lack of leadership, greed, deceptions, political conflicts, and dishonesty to people can place America in the back seat of the world. Covering corruptions of the politicians and politicizing every aspect in the nation have distracted Americans and created an arena for people to battle each other instead of raising individuals to lead the world. It is noteworthy, that former president Obama was a member of the elite that misled the nation and drew a colored sketch in the American’s eyes.

Leading the world will not continue under the administration that economically depending on the world nations. The consequences of failure of the foreigner policy and the actions of corrupt politicians which led the nation to a wrong direction cannot be ignored today. The shiny speeches and sparkling words of such politicians do not place America ahead of the world. The United States under Obama’s presidency in 2014, had no effective policy to deter or weaken Russia during the Crimea invasion, and he was wrong in his perception and strategy to respond to Russia during his speech in Brussels, “If the Russian leadership stayed on current course, together we will ensure that this isolation deepens, sanctions will expand and the toll on Russia’s economy as well as its standing in the world will only increase.”
Russia was not isolated, nor was it sanctioned throughout the years. Reversely, the United States continued its dependency on foreigner countries, including Russia, in importing oils and mineral commodities ( USGS, Risk and Reliance: The U.S.Economy and Mineral Resources).  Ignoring and underestimating Russia by U.S created a critical situation for the world, and further more, Russia became a new block in the world defying the West and the United States. Now, the hard working Americans are trapped between two evils, the vicious Russian regime and the American political shenanigan, and as always, the citizens are the carrier of the burden.
Being the leader of peace and democracy defender in the world, the role of the United States has always been necessary to keep the world’s scale leveled, but as Russia besets the world with nuclear weapons, the United States is in a difficult and sensitive position in encountering Russia’s hostility. However, Americans are paying from their own pockets for the Russian-Ukraine war as U.S inflation is rising, and, since U.S intention is preventing a nuclear war, Russia will continue to attack the small neighboring nations and intervene in the region.
Serwan Zangana / Roanoke

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