As abortion, women’s rights, and freedom of choice are completely different matters, they all are related to ethics and human’s life. To understand that the virtue ethics are the core traits that distinguishes humans from other beings, abortion does not carry the principle of ethics and is not relevant to women’s right nor freedom of choice because such an act affects others’ lives and rights which must be limited to ethical restrictions. Otherwise, it would create chaos in society.
A right is not an ultimate freedom that allows humans to act in any way they desire, and it must not be forgotten that a human’s life is not determined by feelings and ideologies, and therefore, a human being in the form of a fetus has the right to life.
As abortion in its simple definition is an intentional cause of the death of a fetus in utero, that means such an act is a killing which is a crime against the humanity. This act affects the entire community and the future of the new generations. Also, aborting a child and approving it would establish the foundation for an inhumane belief in society.
Terminating an innocent human being, a fetus, falls under the violation of ethics and the rules of a right to life. Abortion must not be politicized and becomes tool for politicians to gain popularity and votes. It is important to be mindful of the attempts of changing the definitions of the value of human life and realizing the threat to the healthy society by the liberals’ mentality. Women’s rights and free choice are not permitting the aborting of a child, and freedom and happiness are not the passport to intervene and interfere in a human’s body and ignore the basic rules of creation.
Realizing the sacred position of a woman carrying a fetus must be respected as her body is going through pregnancy, but the life she is carrying is a separate body – a human being which deserves the same opportunity in life as the mother has. The subject and debate of abortion has taken a wrong trend because of mis-defining it per se. The liberals are defining abortion as a women right, thus causes confusion about rights while outraging women across the nation.
The result of following this wrong trend and believing in the liberal’s definitions without recognizing a human beings right to life regardless of the stage of his/her life, will establish a movement of hostility against a myriad of pro-life groups.
A simple understanding of the human body can brighten the conscious of abortion supporters and clarify the definition of one’s body for the fetus inside the womb is not part of the woman’s body. It is clearly a separate body that is temporarily living inside of her body.
It is an abominable act to protest in order to have a right to abort a life which is a baby. It is not a conflict between pro-choice and pro-life, it is conflict and struggle to defend the innocent lives and future generation in the United States, it is a conflict between aborting helpless children and defending them.