The ride over was a bit of agony. The cat only meowed anxiously. But the human occupants really could have used a tranquilizer to calm them down. And life goes on.

Let me know if you have any AHA! moments while perusing this list if you go on to read the article at the link. I know most won’t, but one or two might push buttons for a few of you. Here they are as they come out of my links vault, including my cryptic notation as is, and brief comments for some of them.
🔵 New Drug Restores Lost Alzheimer’s Memories in Mice [[ALZHEIMERS]] fbf: This could be spectacularly important. Or not. There have been so many false victories to date. KEY WORDS: Gamma Oscillations, ORCH, DDL-920
🔵 Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness. About the book. ;pplx
- see also A daring escape from cynicism: Scientist explains why “hopeful skeptics” are outsmarting doomers |
- fbf: I encourage this healing world view and want to understand better how to propagate into community. So many are powered by distrust and despair. That’s really bad for one’s mental health. Life’s too short.
🔵 Brain cells ‘reset’ during sleep to prepare for tomorrow’s memories – #BRAIN fbf: The importance of restorative sleep.
🔵 Brain Creates Triple Backup: New Study Reveals Multiple Copies of Memories – #memory fbf: this seems potentially far-reaching research findings at an early stage. Follow via Google Alerts.
- Scientists at the University of Basel have discovered that our brains create not one, but three distinct copies of each memory. This groundbreaking research sheds new light on how we learn from past experiences and adapt to changing circumstances.
- They found that neurons born at different stages of embryonic development play distinct roles in memory formation and retrieval.
- Late-born neurons create a vivid, short-term copy of a memory that’s easily accessible but fades quickly. This version is highly malleable, allowing for rapid updates based on new information. In contrast, early-born neurons form a long-term copy that strengthens over time but becomes more resistant to change.
🔵 TONGUE SCANNER!? Say AHHHH AI tongue scanner can diagnose illnesses with 96 percent accuracy | Popular Science … offers an explanation and description of how it works.
The system works by having patients position their tongue 20cm from a camera, which captures an image for real-time analysis by the AI algorithm. The AI then matches the tongue’s color to specific diseases.
The researchers believe this AI tongue diagnosis system offers a secure, efficient, user-friendly, and affordable disease screening method that combines modern AI with traditional Chinese medicine practices used for over 2000 years. In the future, smartphones could potentially be used to perform such AI-powered diagnoses, making it highly accessible.

🔵 THYMUS and IMMUNE HEALTH Unlocking the Secrets of Our Aging Immune System: New Insights into Thymus Decline –
- Using advanced imaging techniques, the research team identified two previously unknown cell types that contribute to the thymus’s loss of function. These cells, found only in the aging thymus of older mice and humans, form clusters around T cell growth areas, impeding the organ’s ability to produce these crucial immune cells.
- In a world-first discovery, the researchers observed that these cell clusters create ‘scars’ in the thymus, preventing the organ from regenerating after damage. Dr. Kelin Zhao, who led the imaging efforts, notes, “By capturing these cell clusters in the act and showing how they contribute to loss of thymic function, we’ve been able to do something no one else has ever done before.”
🔵 The Pakistani Mine Most Of The World’s Pink Himalayan Salt Comes From Send to Ken. fbf: We bought a lamp of pink salt for a few bucks at the Methodist Church yard sale last week. Interesting history of Pakistani source.
As If Arctic dwellers did not already have sufficient catastrophes to deal with
- ‘Mercury bomb’ threatens millions as Arctic temperatures rise, study warns
- Scientists Issue ‘Giant Mercury Bomb’ Warning – Newsweek
- Toxic Mercury Leaking from Arctic Permafrost Due to Global Warming: Study
🔵 The Cure for Disposable Plastic Crap Is Here—and It’s Loony | WIRED
🔵 MATTER MATTERS LESS When materialist assumptions about the mind begin to sound dated… | Mind Matters fbf: A paradigm shift seems to be underway, and perhaps the end of the tyranny of scientism/materialism as the only game in town. See Galileo’s Error.
🔵 Scientists find breakthrough method to activate dormant stem cells in the brain –
- Scientists have discovered a groundbreaking method to activate dormant neural stem cells in the brain, potentially opening new avenues for treating brain injuries and neurodegenerative diseases[1]. The technique involves using a small molecule called ISRIB (integrated stress response inhibitor) to stimulate the cells’ protein production machinery[1].
🔵 THE MORE WE LEARN ABOUT MEMORY Memory Editing Technology Will Give Us Perfect Recall and Let Us Alter Memories at Will March 18, 2021 in WF
- Can a person have an edited memory and a “real” self? What happens when human recollections are mediated by machines?
- As human memory changes from an intractable mystery to something that can be engineered, who will get to decide how it works?
- “Imagine a memory as a sketch in a coloring book,” Ramirez said, “and emotions are like the colors that color in that particular memory. And they’re almost inextricably linked.”
- What if we could keep the memory but mute or delete the emotional “coloring” of the memory?
🔵 Memory ‘central phenomenon of consciousness,’ scientists suggest ;rwr [[CONSCIOUSNESS]] and [[memory]] fbf: if so then everything we learn about memory sheds light on consciousness. Continue to follow.
🔵 Mega-Tsunami in Greenland Fjord Triggers Week-Long Standing Wave –
- A massive tsunami struck Greenland’s east coast on September 16, 2023, leaving flood traces up to 200 meters high in certain areas. Researchers from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) have now analyzed seismic data from this event, revealing an unprecedented phenomenon that lasted over a week.
🔵 Neuroscientists discover brain circuitry of placebo effect for pain relief – [[BRAIN]] fbf: we now have tools that are so much more granular for sussing out cerebral cascades and networks. It has been an interesting period of discovery to have been alive, and with it at my fingertips!
🔵 Is the Brain A Quantum Computer? New Insights Say It Might Be – [[Quantum Phenomena]]
- Keywords: Microtubules; ORCH
- fbf: this topic is high on the radar recently along with other related discoveries that wait for somebody to have the AHA! moment and synthesize the ideas and write a book.