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RANDY HUFF: Reciprocity

Reciprocity is a thing, hidden deep within and through and through the you and me and us and them of all of life. The Gospels make it clear. “Freely received, freely give,” and ‘what you give comes back to you,’ this last in paraphrase and found in varied places. Love always returns to us, though not always from the one or in the manner we wish. Reciprocity is written in and the Author will be sure that “not all the ways of goodness are stopped.”

Are you pained today, love rebuffed, misunderstood, giving with no apparent return? “Give love with no thought of return” we are told. “Love alters not with the alterer to remove” speaks the matchless sonnet. True, though truth may not dampen the pain, or relieve the grieving soul. Dare to believe God’s Love, in time, makes up for all. God’s Love makes our lavish look insipid by comparison. His Love fills the oceans and, never empty, we find enough on any beach day to heal the soul. Spend time there and you will soon believe again, and give.

“Keep on casting your bread upon the waters; soon it’s gonna come back home on every wave.”

Randy Huff and his wife lived for 5 years in Roanoke (Hollins) where they raised 2 sons. Randy served as Dean of Students at a Christian school and then worked in construction. For the last 9 years he has served as pastor of a church in North Pole, Alaska.

Randy Huff

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