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Hydrogen Future Could Offer Sustainable Energy and Economic Growth for Appalachia

The nation’s transition to a sustainable and clean-energy future heavily focuses on the use of hydrogen as an energy source. To expedite a hydrogen-fueled future, the Biden administration recently...

DMV Announces New Motorcycle License Pilot Program 

New Program Makes It Easier for Experienced Riders to Get License Endorsement with Training Program...

Virginia Tech Student Aims to Open Equine Center for The Deaf

It’s rare for someone to have a clear North Star on their path.It’s even rarer...

Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation / Virginia Preservation Announce 2024 Endangered Sites List

In recognition of National Preservation Month, the Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation (RVPF) has announced their...

Steven Bathiche: Inventor, Engineer, Hokie . . .

Since the turn of the millennium, Steven Bathiche ’97 has led the Microsoft Applied Sciences...

Healing Waters: “A River Runs Through It …in Salem”

In his book, “A River Runs Through It,” Norman Maclean probably wasn’t thinking much about the VA Medical Center in Salem when he wrote...

Old Warriors Gather Again For D-Day Anniversary

Veterans of the fateful campaign joined thousands of others as the National D-Day memorial in Bedford held a 65th anniversary observance Saturday. The 29th...

DRI Says Downtown Roanoke is Alive and Growing

Despite the hasty and unexplained exit of former Downtown Roanoke Incorporated (DRI) president Bill Carder several months ago, DRI officers exuded plenty of confidence...

Waybright Will Oppose Flora in Hollins District

Republican incumbent Richard Flora will have opposition for his Board of Supervisors seat in the Hollins District of Roanoke County after all. The county’s...

Deeds’ Final Push Pays Off in Roanoke

Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran all made last minute stops in Roanoke last weekend, looking to sew up the Democrat nomination for...

Meals on Wheels – a Lifeline for Seniors

Meals on Wheels (MOW) has been known for delivering nutritious meals to the homebound and elderly for many years. But the program is really...