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Preacher’s Corner: Celebrating All That We Have

Gosh, the time has so rapidly come and gone.  Just five years ago on June 14th my family and I celebrated our 1st Sunday at Cave Spring Baptist Church.  Now the time has come for us to go.  We rejoice in the years we’ve enjoyed and friends we’ve made.  Truthfully, words are inadequate to describe what the sweet Lord Jesus has done in our hearts and lives during this time.  Before I start to blubber, may I give you the reason for my column today?  Regrets!

Yes, regrets are part of a person’s life.  It seems that when we are young we regret the things we did, and when we are old we regret the things we didn’t do.  But life’s just like that isn’t it.  Some live their lives in the tomorrows and very often others live their lives in the yesterdays.  Churches do that.  In our collective minds we remember “what it was like when Reverend Dr. So-and-so was our Pastor”!  We often talk of “how it was” as we recall the wonderful things the Lord did for us back in the day.

Is your God only a yesterday God?

In some cases (rare as they may be) there are the visionaries who constantly expect what God is going to do.  We live our lives in total anticipation of what’s going to happen next.  The next lost person to pray to receive Christ, the next Mission opportunity or the next project on our agenda.  It seems to be the way we’re wired.

Truthfully, the Lord is the Lord of TODAY!!!!!

Remember that the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 22:32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”

I suppose one could ask what that has to do with this column.  My answer to that is too often we live our lives in the what has happened or in the hopes of what will happen all the time passing on the WHAT IS HAPPENING!

I recently conducted a wedding for friends back in Tidewater where I was privileged to pastor Bethel Baptist Church for 15 years.  We had watched the couple to be married grow up in the church.  They were the model couple in every way, but what I want to point out has little to do with the wedding.

At that wedding my friend Kim Curling came up and (while musing over the large crowd gathered there that day) said, “Chip, we really didn’t know what we had when we had it, did we?”

I looked into that big man’s eyes and saw the sorrow of wasting the right now.  His point was crystal clear.  We were so distracted during our years of ministry that we failed to savor the moment.  What a loss.  What a tragedy that we can allow ourselves to be so captivated by something we don’t have that we fail to appreciate what we do have.

So let me conclude my final column in this passage by saying, “I am enjoying the moment; I do hope you are as well!”  May the sweet Lord Jesus bless you as you find your way through your TODAY!

Your Pastor and friend,

Pastor Chip Roberson

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