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County Hosting Hi-Tech Hunt

In search of something different to do on a weekend in Roanoke … something that takes advantage of the beautiful time of year, gorgeous scenery and adds in a bit of a fun challenge?

Look no further than “geocaching.”

What is geocaching, you might ask? It’s a new, internationally popular form of treasure hunting – without the hand-drawn map. Armed with GPS units, cache hunters search for hidden treasures, which are usually held in small waterproof containers.

On Saturday, May 15th, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Roanoke County will host its second annual “Amazing County Treasure Hunt,” a free geocaching event, featuring teams of fortune seekers whose mission is to comb the county with hand-held GPS units in search of the hidden caches. Each cache will hold either a gold colored coin (worth 5 points), a silver colored coin (worth 3 points), or black chips valued at one point per chip. The object of the treasure hunt is to accumulate the most points.

Besides the fun of treasure hunting, all teams involved will have the opportunity to experience some of Roanoke County’s most beautiful and historic sites. “People will be saying ‘Oh my gosh, I had no idea this was here,’” said Wendi Schultz, Roanoke County’s Tourism and Events Coordinator. “It’s kind of a part treasure hunt, part scenic tour, part family bonding activity.”

None of the caches are hidden underground – “no one will have to destroy anything in nature or harm the environment in any way to find these,” Schultz said – and teams must use only one vehicle as they travel around the county to the treasure sites.

Schultz also stressed that the treasure hunt is a family friendly event, noting that caches will hold special tickets for kids to redeem in exchange for various toys and other prizes.

The event will begin at Garst Mill Park, with registration beginning at 10 a.m. For those who do not own a GPS unit, a limited number will be available. A $150 deposit is required for their use, which will be refunded after the event. In addition, a tutorial on how to operate a GPS unit will be held beginning at 11 a.m.

For more information, or to pre-register, visit the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism’s website,, or call 540-387-6078 ext. 251. Information on geocaching can be found at

By Matt Reeve
[email protected]

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