by Gene Marrano
Ever heard of “fire hooping” – a flaming hula-hoop dance routine that held audiences spellbound? What about psychedelic projections, civil raves or ambient micro-chip music? The hundreds of local art aficionados who ventured downtown last weekend to Kirk Avenue and Second Street got to see all of these as the first “PROject proJECT” took place.
There were images projected on the sides of buildings … Images of unusual things like the old Atari asteroids game, old 8mm home movies, and excerpts from vintage children’s books. To add to the unique and off-beat feel, there were antebellum characters strolling about in lighted costumes during the one night event that celebrated projection and light based art.
Organizers for PROject proJECT, which was based on a concept that has been used elsewhere, hope to see it become an annual event. Based on participation and the high attendance last Friday it appears that may become a reality.